Let’s Wrap our Heads around this!

Bob Belvedere
5 min readJan 2, 2022


Okay, I now have a track record of what is happening around the world and in some way or another happening to you!

Living my life in an organized and goal-oriented way before the world fell apart in 2020, would be a fair statement to say.

I was returning from a test run in a southern climate state, and it was the first time I was able to be away from my home, for over 30 days.

It had taken a while to reach this point in my life, with countless errors, throwing me off my path along the way, but I actually felt that I could now see the way to balancing my life. Balancing in the sense that I was doing more of what I wanted to do and less of what life was throwing at me.

That’s the ultimate goal, isn’t it? Living life the way you want to, instead of letting Life throw you whatever situation it wanted and leaving you to handle the outcome.

Some call it fate, some call it Karma, I call it “no way of living.”

I have determined you see, that everything comes into play at this point in my life and maybe yours! All the opportunities you had missed or taken advantage of, your type of upbringing, influences, schooling, etc. you get the picture influenced all by your decisions up until now. You reached a point of compromise. To give yourself the type of lifestyle you wanted. You finally agreed on what to give up, and what you could keep, to achieve that goal. No need to explain further. You know if you achieved it.

So here I am, or you are, thinking that you’ve winded up 2019 with a crazy set of circumstances. Where you see that a crazy or lunatic President or Prime Minister or whatever person that is running your country, spending money as fast as they can and making poor decisions and unfulfilled promises. Justifying their choices as the best for their country, and I think their pocketbook. What a load of crap.

Given the state of the world towards the end of 2019, and wondering where we were headed, little did we know that we were about to see how it was going to rear its ugly head, heading into 2020. A situation that has never been seen worldwide by Mankind. A Pandemic that caught everyone with their pants down and jaws wide open, push the limits of our society to the point of breaking down the ethics, values, and progress, of our societies.

What we have seen and felt…

The Virus in effect has rippled through lives like the newborn infants to the postmortem of people who have succumbed to this contagious infection.

Loved ones have died alone, and not to be touched even after their bodies were disposed of. People rethinking procreation and how their life plans were destroyed, and now had to reassess what going forward and planning a life would mean to them.

Retirement. What does that mean exactly? Stay at home and not travel? No visitation with extended families and friends and guests? Plans that were once either achieved or unachieved were erased. Maybe at some future point, given a clean slate to re-assemble what they could, and do it with heavy restrictions in place? Grandparents missing a year, two, or maybe more… without interaction with their grandkids, and for that matter sons and daughters. To what end? Never to regain that lost time. What a price to pay!

Future Costs

The thing we did not focus on, is the timing of events that have dramatically changed the outcomes of future possibilities. What am I talking about? The school children not being able to interact and socialize with each other in a nurturing environment. Missing out on what their peers could give them and encouraging them to shape their futures. To help them with answers and solutions to problems they are having, overcoming the inexperience of growing up during that period of their life.

What about the athletes? Athletes at all levels, where encouragement and training with comrades, competitors, push them to exceed their limitations to greater heights and opportunities?

The scholastic student who is left to online learning, where not every student gets an occasion to question the teacher/instructor to push their limits to the best of their abilities.

How about the worker bees, struggling to make ends meet and improve their lot in life by working hard and getting ahead by advancing in their chosen field.

What’s unfair about working at home? What's unfair, I am glad you asked. How about that their manager can’t see them working their asses off at home while trying to keep the routine of attending the workplace every day. Also being careful and attentive to the task at hand, by not reacting to every interruption and distraction that happens when you might normally having a day off. Not to mention the chance of reduced hours, or loss in pay, and maybe even getting laid off, which I am sure has happened over the last two years. No advancement either. A lost time that never comes back!

Letting go is hard. Restarting your life plans is much harder when there is no plan or path you can focus on because our leaders are too busy trying to keep the rich…rich, the poor…poor, and the middle-class…well in the middle, instead of leading the way forward and giving people a future to look forward to. Isn’t that why they call them “Leaders”?

No need to state the obvious that the only people that have had the smallest amount of impact this virus and variants have locked us down is the rich. Rich? I am not sure what that means when it pertains to money. I am talking the one-percenters. You know the ones that have so much and continue to get more, that they have run out of things to buy. Maybe a space flight or rocket (maybe a planet?). They already own everything else.

Their net worth has not suffered at all and in fact, it has increased over 5 times during these unprecedented times. None of the largesse of which has never trickled down the chain to the parts that need lubrication the most…regular people who supported them on the way up.

We look to our governments to do the right thing and every day in my opinion, I see the reason that we are in the situation we face now. It is discouraging. I pray that someone can step forward, anywhere in the world, and start to lead, instead of reacting to what Life is giving us and waiting for answers!



Bob Belvedere
Bob Belvedere

Written by Bob Belvedere

Business Consultant with over 30 years experience providing entrepreneurs and startups guidance to successful futures!

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