Introducing the war between influencers and micro-influencers!

Influencers are they real??? Why would you say that?

Bob Belvedere
5 min readJan 29, 2022
Before and after photo of an Influencer.

Real! Take a look at any YouTube video on top influencers exposed! They have plenty of followers but are they what they portray themselves to be? No amount of make-up can change their body style or their facial features. Yet from untouched photos to edited photos it is possible. Are they really promoting a moisturizer that can smooth their skin to look like a polished piece of furniture?

So what makes them so popular? Their gender, looks, outrageous dress, or what they are endorsing? Good question.

It is like a dog chasing its tail. If they didn’t use their personality to attract followers, then they couldn’t endorse brands or products, could they?

According to a study done by Mediakix, it is found that nearly half of the top-earning celebrities on Instagram have actually never even posted about the brand they are being paid to endorse. Very interesting!

That’s not to say that all endorsements are bad. In fact, when done correctly and authentically, they can be extremely beneficial to a product or brand.

The key is finding the right influencer for your specific campaign and target audience. Someone who genuinely believes in what you are selling and isn’t just out for a quick buck.

How are the big businesses responding to this?

As a result, more and more big business is turning to the Micro-Influencer. Why? Glad you asked.

When you take the impact of what good or bad exposure to your brand or product will achieve, it is easier to throw a little money into it than a lot. At least that is what the big players are saying.

Is it true?

Well, big business seemed to have grasped a new way to gain positive credibility by choosing a dozen micro-influencers who have statistically shown a closer and more committed audience verified through interaction with their followers.

Can a major influencer, like someone with 100K followers plus connect with their following and still be close and personal? Maybe, but the odds are they are not doing it alone. On the other hand, a micro-influencer has that direct-to-follower connection by answering questions, and personally interacting with their people.

Comparing it to a congregation in a church, the followers are a closer-knit group of the influencer’s specialty (make-up, exercise, health, outdoor living, etc.) at least the micro-influencer who makes a living at it.

Micro-influencers are similar types of people to Preachers and Pastors. Passionate for what they are all about, interested in what you might have to say, and care about the responses they get. Not to mention they personally answer most questions when asked.

As such, when they are endorsing a brand or product, it is because they have a personal interest in giving an honest review. They most likely will not compromise themselves for a quick paycheck. Not if they want to continue being a micro-influencer. Their followers expect it. This is how micro-influencers honestly grow their credibility.

On the other hand, big influencers have a large cushion of followers that, while they can expose them to the product, personally they might not have used the product to which they are influencing. If they do, it is usually driven by what they charge per video, er I mean posting!

Now I am not saying that is wrong, cause it’s not. Supply and demand have always driven the capitalist market and that is fine. In that context don’t forget the big boys have the recognition, and wherewithal, to overcome the hurdles that can happen at that level of exposure.

When taking a one-shot gamble, if something goes wrong, it is harder to drop it and start over. No one likes to gamble without at least having a chance at success.

In using multiple micro-influencers, the big boys have figured out. These micro-endorsements if you will, increases the odds of getting that chance at success.

Getting 1 million views broken into segments of 100,000, gives big business the ability to have exposure to various focused market segments, and they can see what affects, the outcome of their campaign fairly quickly.

Big business looking at pie chart.

Once the numbers roll in, they can then proceed with their offering, increasing odds that the brand or product will produce the outcomes they have predicted. As a bonus surprise, surprise! It comes with the same cost or less of a major influencer. What a no-brainer! It’s a win-win situation for them!

The result is Micro-influencers gain credibility, and big business limits their exposure to failure.

Many screens of micro-influencers!

In conclusion, getting the right micro-influencer is the key. There are many out in the social media space not to mention you-tubers etc. It is a business that is evolving, and opportunities now are at an all-time high with numerous companies vetting micro-influencers for profit. Shop carefully, and proceed with caution. Remember anyone can be an influencer if they have enough followers. Do your due diligence and maybe your product or brand can profit from the advantage these influencers bring to market!

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Bob Belvedere
Bob Belvedere

Written by Bob Belvedere

Business Consultant with over 30 years experience providing entrepreneurs and startups guidance to successful futures!

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