How to make “Magic Money”

Bob Belvedere
5 min readFeb 14, 2022


“Magic Money”

Boom! Jump in and make $xxxx (you fill in the amount) of dollars per day, week, month! Not only that but if you sign up now we will give you $xxxx (you fill in the amount) of value-added products for just helping you to make money. We have testimonials, and proof, that what we say and do is true and if you watch this short video, you will come to the same conclusion. You can make this $xxxx money, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. (You fill in the amount and time you wish to make this money!)

We’ve all come across these ads, or promotions, or offers, or whatever you want to call them. Some are very good. Some are very attractive. They might even convince you to give it a try. I know, at one point they convinced me! The pitch, and the ads, or even the emails, haven’t changed much in the last five years, I have been trying to crack the code for success. What makes the gurus or even non-gurus take this approach to sell you a product, course, or application, to make you, what I like to call “Magic Money.”

Why do I call it “Magic Money?” Good question, here’s why. When you look at these ads, promotions, whatever analytically, they look legit. The numbers work! You’ve seen the guru’s personal account, and you see what they make in a day, week, month, year, etc. Do you think they are lying? If they are, do you think all of them are lying? I don’t think so.

I have come to these conclusions below, in trying to navigate the shark-infested waters of Online marketing, affiliate marketing, and even content marketing.

Read on and see if you’ve come to the same conclusions.

I am not new to online marketing, and as a matter of fact, I was selling online with eBay, when they first started. When AOL was a big platform. Back then you put something up for sale, usually in an auction format. The highest bidder in a time frame would be the winner and you got paid before you shipped it out! A wonderful concept. If you were honest and gave value to the customer, you asked and received a good rating as a seller. I made a few dollars back then and had some satisfaction with how I made it. I bought something at a lower price, then I sold it at a higher price. I kept the difference. But I digress this story is about what I have learned out of trying to decipher the Affiliate and Online Marketing business.

To be successful in my opinion to get a livable income from Affiliate and Online Marketing is to try to get your prospect to become a subscriber so that you can sell whatever products you feel comfortable selling.

It is legitimate and legal and not a bad way to earn a living. The problem lies in the method you use to achieve this goal.

I learned different things from different Guru’s but there is always a common denominator. The thing you should pay attention to is how they go about telling you. There are always, hints and slips that you can take away if you have watched as many videos as I have. Something they do not make clear or are omitting from telling you.

Don’t get me wrong, I have also gotten some pretty good information from them whether they intended to tell me or not.

Everything being equal, one thing for sure is that no program will earn you the “Magic Money” overnight. You really have to work at it. That leads to commitment. How committed are you to follow through and do everything that is needed to make your dreams come through? It is easy when you know what it takes, but what if you don’t?

I found out through all these courses that the level of commitment is very high and I have left some courses uncompleted because I did not want to do the work. Honest!

For example: Can you make a funky video that goes viral and trends around the world? Sure, maybe. Do you know what the video will be about? Probably not. You don’t know what can capture a number of people’s imagination, and I don’t mean hundreds of thousands, I mean millions of people, then somehow have it monetized and, boom, overnight the “Magic Money” appears in your account. Could it happen…sure. Could you do it more than once? The numbers are against you, so I doubt it. You just hope you make enough money to last a lifetime because it in reality won’t happen again.

This leads me to these conclusions:

1. No two Guru’s teach the same method, but the outcome is the same. The paths can be varied by as many people on the planet.

2. “How to” Gurus can teach you how they did it, but again, in my opinion, it is a snapshot in time. The circumstances, the position, and the investment were there, for them to succeed. Mostly due to their hard work!

I use this analogy when I work with clients, “if you were the only one selling ice cream in the world, how much money would you make?”

Imagine having the monopoly on this!!!

3. You are entering an arena where big and small players compete and you have to have an advantage of some sort to get that “Magic Money”! You can have all the followers and lists you want but if they are not buying you just spend money and spin your wheels.

4. It all comes down to two things. The two things must happen in this order, because, you can start to see results but it can, and most likely, will change overnight if you’re not committed.

5. The two things are obviously:

a.) Commitment.

b.) money

How much money, another good question. As much as it takes to achieve your goal. You can work at it slowly, as you invest your money a little at a time, but at some point, there has to be a leap of faith. You have to be ready to take that leap because if you don’t that opportunity will probably pass you by. Not to mention all the work you did up to that point.

I will be more specific in my next blog! Stay tuned…



Bob Belvedere
Bob Belvedere

Written by Bob Belvedere

Business Consultant with over 30 years experience providing entrepreneurs and startups guidance to successful futures!

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